
Complementary Disclosure on the Bank’s Dividends Payment

Reference to the Capital Markets Authority's Regulations concerning Disclosure of Substantial Information Chapter 4, Book (10), Article 4-6-1 dated 9 November 2015, please find attached the Complementary Disclosure Form.


Date: 30 March 2016


Name of Listed Company: Kuwait International Bank


Title of Disclosure: Complementary Disclosure on theDate of the Bank’s Dividends Payment


Date of Previous Disclosure: 28 March 2016


Update: We would like to update you that cash dividends cheques will be distributed to the shareholders whose names are registered in the Bank’s records on the date of the General Assembly meeting at Kuwait Clearing Company K.S.C. located at Ahmad Tower, as of Monday 04/04/2016.


Subsequent financial effect, if any: Currently Unpredictable









Reference to the Capital Markets Authority's Regulations concerning Disclosure of Substantial Information and to Chapter 4, Book (10), Article 4-1-1 of the Executive Bylaws issued on 9/11/2015.


Date: 30 March 2016


Name of Listed Company: Kuwait International Bank


Substantial Information: We would like to announce that the resignation of Mr. Abdulraheem Alawadhi, GM- Corporate Support Department, has been accepted. This will be effective by end of Thursday 31/3/2016.


Thus, it has also been decided that Mr. Stephen Machado, Sr.Manager Operations Department, will be entrusted with the duties of the Acting GM- Corporate Support Department, in addition to performing his normal work duties, as of 3/4/2016 and until further notice.


Effect of Substantial Information on the Company’s Financial Position: None